
Field Trial in England from 20.09.18 until 04.10.18 


conducted by Elizabeth Newman, Equine Consultant.

Purpose of the trial

To test VetGold EquiMud and VetGold Cream on various equine conditions so as to

ascertain their feasibility as suitable products for the equine industry.

Prior to commencement of the trial, samples of both products were sent to LGC

Laboratories in Newmarket, England to obtain certification that they were free of any

substances prohibited by both the HRA and FEI.

Subject horses

The horses selected for the trial were a mixture of breeds, ages and disciplines such as

racing, show jumping, dressage, hunting and general riding. The horses were based at

Lower Haddon Livery and Kennel Field Stables.

Reaction of trial participants to using the products

VetGold Cream was considered simple to apply and achieved results quickly. Negative

comments were that the tube is too small for horses and that, if left in the tack room

overnight, it became very solid and needed to be warmed up before use. 

The temperature in the UK overnight during the trial was between 5c and 11c. 

(tube needs to be kept at room temperature).

VetGold EquiMud was very popular and succeeded in treating lots of conditions. It was

also, very good for routine treatment after a workout or competition as a preventative

measure. Other positive comments were that it was easy to apply and wash off – some said that it brushed off easily after overnight treatment on Thoroughbred horses (they have fine


Trial participants at Lower Haddon Livery


5 years old Cob gelding 

hunting and general riding 

owned by S. Kempster

Dom bites his lower forelegs to ease the itching caused by mites. We coated the area

with EquiMud for 3 nights and washed it off in the morning. No wraps were applied.

After ceasing treatment with the mud, we applied Vet Gold cream for 7 days. Itching /

biting ceased and has not resumed.


7 years old Arab x Welsh gelding 

show jumping and hunting 

owned by E. Caunter

Mac’s legs fill overnight regardless of whether he has worked or not. We applied

EquiMud as for routine application use, legs coated in mud between bottom of fetlock

joint up to just below the knee, wrapped legs in wet brown paper to cover mud, applied

leg wraps and stable bandages. We left on overnight and washed off the following

morning. Mac’s legs were cool and no swelling was felt the following morning. The

owner was particularly impressed by how easily the mud washed off without

discoloring Mac’s legs. Mac is a light grey, almost white, horse and his owner has tried

various clay products in the past that have stained his legs.


7 year old Irish Draught gelding

 competing at top level Working Hunter competitions

owned by E. Morrell.

Harry suffers from tightness through both shoulders which we treated with EquiMud.

We applied a 1 cm layer of mud to his shoulders and neck, covered with a warm damp

towel and neck stocking. We washed the mud off after 4 hours. His owner said he felt

much more supple, when she rode him after treatment.


24 years old Warmblood gelding

 dressage and hacking 

owned by N. Tilton

Abelard had 2 problems, Windgalls on a hind leg and restricted movement through his

fore fetlocks due to tight skin (presumably due to a previous bout of mud fever). The

Windgalls are no longer visible but they certainly restricted elasticity of movement

during trot, particularly for a dressage horse. We applied the EquiMud to his hind leg using

the routine application method and we applied VetGold cream to his fore fetlocks. We

did with for 8 nights. Following treatment there was a tremendous improvement in

movement. Abelard is an older horse and the owner was overjoyed with the results.


23 years old Irish Cob mare 

hacking, 1 day eventing

owned by A. Wilkinson

Chelsea suffers from scurf, particularly behind her knees. We applied Vet Gold cream to

the area for 10 days and the improvement was very good. I suggested that VetGold

cream should become part of Chelsea’s daily grooming routine to generally improve the

dry scurfy areas.


Maddy is a 20 years old Clydesdale mare 

dressage, hacking 

owned by M. Thomas

She suffers from Sweet Itch to her pasterns and part of her fetlocks. We applied the

VetGold Cream for 9 days and the irritation ceased. The owner was very happy

because she had tried many other products previously that had failed to relieve Maddy’s

stamping and therefore the itching. (My opinion is that Maddy’s condition is not classic

Sweet Itch but a type of fungal infection – either way the VetGold solved the problem).


Liv is a 16 years old Dutch Warmblood gelding 

Grand Prix dressage 

owned by B. Tilton.

Liv suffers from filled and sensitive legs after work. We applied the EquiMud using the

routine application method with bandages etc. overnight. The legs were cool and

unfilled in the morning. The owner was very pleased with the results and also

impressed at the ease of removal compared to Ice Tight.


Ammo is a 10 years old German Warmblood gelding 


owned by B. Tilton.

Ammo has a hoof problem that started with his previous owner and that was so severe

removal of some of the infected tissue had to be carried out by the vets under

anesthetic. Although the vets removed some of the infected tissue during his surgery a

year ago, some still remains. The clefs of the hooves felt slimy and jelly-like and the

smell was overpowering, similar to Thrush but far more pungent. The owner has tried

many treatments from her vet and farrier but nothing has worked.

I was unsure whether the EquiMud or the VetGold was the best solution so we treated

the front hooves with EquiMud and the back hooves with VetGold Cream, tubbing then

applying the products and padding and wrapping as for a hoof poultice. We did this for

4 days each night and washing off in the morning. After this period, it was apparent that

the EquiMud was doing a marginally better job (although the VetGold Cream had also

improved the condition).

We then applied EquiMud to all four hooves in the same way for a further 10 days.

Ammo has improved dramatically. The smell no longer exists, the frog and clefs are

smooth and free of jelly. Ammo was very sensitive to touch in the clef / frog and rather

‘footie’ on uneven ground. He is now walking normally and sensitivity is minimal. This

problem is a deep infection over many years that has not previously been fully resolved.

I have advised the owner to continue tubbing and applying the EquiMud each night until her

farriers next visit. He will then trim and remove dead horn from the hooves and

hopefully enable the mud to access deeper into the hooves. I suggested they resume

the same treatment for 10 days after the farrier visits and then we will review.


21 years old Connemara x Welsh x TB mare 

showing, hacking 

owned by J. Hayes

Indi suffers from severe Sweet Itch to her mane and wither area. Her owner has tried many

products but nothing has solved the problem. We applied VetGold cream morning and

evening for 10 days. The itching ceased after 2 days and she no longer rubbed the

area. By day 10 there had been a tremendous amount of hair re-growth over the

affected area. The owner was very impressed. SEE PHOTOS INDI

(We used 3 tubes over 10 days)


9 year old Irish Draught gelding, top level showing, owned by E. Morrell

Gucci has an undefined skin condition that flares up periodically regardless of the

season. Several vets have been unable to diagnose the problem which creates ugly

areas of skin. It self-heals, usually within 2 weeks which is a disaster for a top level

show horse who is judged in competition on his turnout and coat quality. We applied

EquiMud to the affected area in the evening, we did not apply a dressing. We washed it

off in the morning and applied VetGold cream after towel drying the area. We repeated

the routine the following day. Within 48 hours the affected area was healed completely.



25 years old Welsh Cob mare 

dressage, hacking owned by H. Pegram.

Kia suffers from severe Mud Fever in the winter. In the summer months it subsides but the skin around her fetlocks and pasterns feels grainy and lacking in elasticity which affects her movement. This is a common feature of Mud Fever in remission. We applied VetGold cream twice a day for 7 days. The texture of the skin improved noticeably during this time. (I explained to the owner that when the Mud Fever returns in the winter – as I am sure it will -she should treat nightly with EquiMud.


Trial participants at Kennel Field Stables



15 years old miniature Shetland mare 


owned by C. Stephen.


Ruby was suffering from Sweet Itch to her mane causing itching and rubbing although

she had not yet managed to rub out much or any of her prolific mane when we

commenced treatment. We applied Vet Gold cream twice a day and Ruby stopped

rubbing after day 3.



11 years old Irish Cob mare 


owned by C. Stephen.

Rose suffers from Mite infestation to her lower legs causing her to stamp her feet to relieve the itching this causes. This is a common problem with her breed. Unfortunately

the stamping creates a lot of foot and leg problems for the horse over time. There is no

effective cure except in some cases vets recommend IV Ivermectin. This drug is not suitable and potentially dangerous for a lot of horses. We applied a 1 cm layer of EquiMud over the entire lower legs from just below the knee to above the coronet band. In this yard all the horses are stabled at night and turned out in the field during the day. We applied the mud in the morning and turned her out without wraps or bandages. When we brought her in in the evening we washed off the mud, towel dried and re-applied, again without wraps. After 3 days the stamping had stopped. We continued to follow the treatment plan for a further 6 days. Since I left Rose has not started stamping again.


22 years old Irish Cob gelding

Show jumper owned by C. Stephen.

Kevin is from the same stable as Rose and the same breed. He was also suffering from Mites. We treated him in the same way as Rose and the results were identical.


9 year old Irish Cob, mare carriage driving owned by C. Stephen.

Peggy Sue is from the same stable as Rose and Kevin and is also the same breed. She also suffers from Mites. Again, same treatment routine, same excellent results.

Trial participants at Keeper’s Stables

Keeper’s is a racing stable so all the participants here are racehorses. They all race on the flat and there were 30 horses in training during the trial. During the trial period when I was in the UK I visited daily. We decided to select 5 subject horses who are regularly bandaged at night and to apply the EquiMud using the routine application method. There was a noticeable difference in the horse’s legs the following morning,

particularly following fast gallop work or racing.

During the trial none of the horses had cuts or skin problems which warranted using the VetGold cream. However, at the end of the trial, I agreed with the trainer that he would continue with the routine treatment on the subject horses. Also, I left him some VetGold cream to try if any injuries occurred. 

We decided to extend the trial for a further 6 weeks after I left during which time we have been discussing cases as they arise. At the end of the 6 weeks period I will obtain a testimonial from the trainer giving his view of the products and will update the subject horses with any changes and add new horses. During the extended trial the trainer may include any of his 30 horses depending on their circumstances.

5 horses that we applied EquiMud using the routine application method (referred to by their stable number 7,12,13,17,28)

These 5 horses were used to having their legs hosed for 5 – 10 minutes with cold water after work and then wrapped with pads and bandaged. We applied EquiMud using the routine application method during the 14 days period.

The results were far better when we used the EquiMud. The legs felt much tighter and there was no swelling.


The trial was very successful and demonstrated that the products were good for many different conditions affecting horses. The trial included a wide cross section of horse owners and trainers who were all impressed with results.

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